
Cere Venteo

Let's see, explain the problem.

About me

I play video games for as long as I can remember, so they have been a big part of my life. When I was given the opportunity to be part of the industry, I didn't think twice. In the world of video game design and development it is impossible to get bored, every day there are new challenges.

My passion is designing video games and board games, and as a programmer I like to develop and test every mechanic that comes from my imagination.

After the success of my first board game publication, "¡Arre Unicornio!", I'm working on launching the second board game "Bizarre Bid", and I also focus on an individual project, which I will present as TFG (Final Degree Project) the year next, which consists of the design and development of a competitive online multiplayer video game.

I mainly program in C / C ++, C # and Python. I usually use Unity as an engine, but I will use Unreal Engine in the TFG to get familiar with this engine.


Project overview

  • Engine:
    • Animation Timeline
    • Events System
  • Gameplay:
    • Rumbler System
    • Relics System
    • Ciri Stage
  • Art:
    • Relics Particles and Lights
    • Special Slash Effects
  • Sound:
    • Pickups (Relics, Life Orbs, Coins)
    • Special Attacks Effects


Animation Timeline

This animation timeline is a tool that supports the team, speeding up the animation debug by being able to go frame by frame looking if all the animation is correct or if you have to cut or modify frames.

It has some menus on the left and right with which you can choose the animation and the bone in particular. The circles on the timeline tell you if that frame of a specific animation and a specific bone has a keyframe or not.

It also contains a scroll that you can drag and watch the animation, it also implements play and pause buttons outside the gameplay to see how the animation would run in the game.


Event System

I updated the animation timeline to detect if the animation object contained an audio component, a particle component and a script component, so that I could activate and deactivate audios and particles and obtain the functions of a script to execute this function in a certain frame from the animation timeline.



Rumbler System

It is a system to give feedback to the player through the rumbler of the controller, for this I made different types of rumbler that obtain the strength and duration of a json and apply it to a controller index, or both.

In addition, I made a type of ascending rumbler and another descending one to which you have to indicate the duration by parameter and it does an interpolation of the force.


Relics System

It is a system to manage the spawn of relics so that they randomly appear on the map. These relics grant the player elemental powers to the dash or some attack combo. These powers range from doing more damage to slowing or paralyzing enemies.

Combo Relics


Fire Runestone

Upon completion of the combo apply burn the enemy according to the difficulty of the combo, at the end of the combo it will burn for x dmg over time, the duration depends on the difficulty of the combo.


Ice Runestone

When completing the application combo slows the enemy down, the duration depends on the difficulty of the combo.


Earth Runestone

At the end of the combo, double the damage of the last attack.


Poison Runestone

At the end of the application combo x charges according to the difficulty of the combo to the enemy.


Lightning Runestone

When completing the combo applies stun, the duration of the stun depends on the difficulty of the combo.

Dash Relics


Fire Oil

When the player makes the dash, he leaves a trace of fire inflicting damage to the enemy above.


Ice Oil

When completing the application combo slows the enemy down, the duration depends on the difficulty of the combo.


Earth Oil

when dodging leaves a trail of sharp rocks on the ground that when colliding with it, the enemy is damaged and the part of the trail where it has crashed disappears.


Poison Oil

Leaving a trail when dodging that applies poison to enemies.

Ciri Stage

In the boss Ciri, I have been in charge of the changes in the scene during the different phases of the boss. For the second phase, when the players kill 3 Ciri clones, the wall that surrounds the room begins to go down to give the feeling that the platform is going up, to achieve this effect I am replacing the parts that have already passed the partially bottom of the platform and place them on top of the wall. Also, some rocks begin to feel that damage the players, and some particles of pebbles are activated that give the effect that the wall is broken.


When the player reaches the third phase, by killing 3 other Ciri clones, the platforms begin to fall. For this, the first danger is indicated by changing the color of the platform material to red and then it begins to fall. After a while the wall is recycled to have a collider again and the players cannot fall. If the player falls during the platform fall, the player dies and teleports to where the player is alive so that he can be resurrected.



Relics Particles and Lights



Pickups (Relics, Life Orbs, Coins)

The sfx of the different pickups, which are: the relics, the life orbs and the coins.

Special Attacks Effects

The sfx of the effects that relics apply when they affect enemies. There are five: fire, ice, poison, earth, and electro